Friday, February 02, 2007

Terror of the Mooninites.

Oh man, Boston was engulfed in a bomb scare that, evidently, nearly paralyzed the city. Fortunately, there was no threat, it was just an ad campaign for Aqua Teen Hunger Force. An ad campaign that had apparently been running in several other cities with no problems. Here's a local Boston news report about the incident. And notice how fair and balanced this report is.

Aqua Teen Hunger Force Confuses Boston

What I enjoy most about this story is the tone established by the media and law enforcement. There's no sense of relief or anything like that--it's all anger directed toward the ad campaign to divert us all from the fact that they were too stupid to realize that the Light Brights being hung in various places were not actually bombs. My favorite quote might just be when the Police Commissioner assures us that "concern is lessened." Concerned is lessened? Lessened? There is no concern! You figured out the thing was an ad!

And you know those old Energizer Bunny ads that made you think for a moment you were watching an ad for something and then the bunny showed up and it turned out to be an ad for batteries? Yeah, that's a hoax, too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I saw this story on CNN last night. All I could do was chuckle... especially when they referred to the two arrested men as "hippie pranksters."