My cat and I have many small differences between us. For example, I don't mind wearing neckties and he hates them. He enjoys sleeping in small cardboard boxes, while I prefer beds. He likes to chase small toys that make bird sounds and I...well, maybe we have some things in common, but mostly not.
But there is one major difference between us--the personal relationship each of us has with food.
My relationship with food is primarily defined by two things: necessity and guilt. This isn't to say that I don't have things that I like to eat--I do. And when visiting the family especially, I eat a lot of those things. But when I'm home and busy and life is out of control (which I usually make it even when it really doesn't have to be), I have a tendency to only eat when I have to. So, you know, brink of dizziness because of lack of food.
And the guilt thing plays into my veganism, obviously. I don't have the variety of choices that other people have because of my somewhat obsessive concern for the treatment of others. I don't mind most of the comments from people about veganism, either. Except for the whole "well, you know lettuce have feelings, too" and "vegetables have physical reactions when you cut them" crap. Look, that's all fun and games to you, but I take this stuff seriously. I'm a little emotionally unstable, you know. If I am really convinced that a carrot cries inside when it's sliced, then I've got nothing. Nothing.
Anyway, enter Bender:
He just doesn't have the same concerns. For Bender, food equals love. Food equals a cure for his midnight boredom. Food equals bliss. So he likes to eat. He eats like a dog, really, sticking his face deep in the food bowl, not breathing until the bowl is empty.
He'll cry in the morning. He'll cry a little in the afternoon. Whenever Bender isn't being feed quickly enough, he'll let you know. And, sadly, it's not like he's working the pounds off very quickly. I've even provided the photographic evidence. Sigh. I'm not going to call him fat because he's my cat and he lives with me. But you can call that, I guess.
Let's not get the wrong idea about either one of us, though. I don't think of myself as the crazy "world is ending" kind of vegan, blowing up buildings and all that. And Bender is very sweet and affectionate. After he's eaten a quarter of his weight in cat food.
I just want everyone to know what they're getting into in case you invite Bender and me over for dinner. We expect to get several invitations soon.
First, Carrots DO NOT have feelings. The end. Neither do pringles because they were never alive...never. They're neither animal, vegitable, or mineral...they are pringle (and not in a mass conciousness beehive sort of way...just in a the multiple is the same as the single sort of way. They don't think, they don't feel. They are dehydrated potatoes.) I'll feed you whenever, I CAN make vegan foods, I just choose not to...because I like bacon, and I'm higher on the food chain than bacon. Take that BACON!! Muahahha!
Second, Your cat is living the good life. Ah, for the life of Bender: snuggles, foods, naps, waddling, staring endlessly out of windows with no one to interrupt, someone to clean your poos from a box, the occasional burst of energy that is never required...dang.
Lastly, a pome:
Jason's cat ate all the fat
and Jason ate not a thing,
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
something rhymes with ring.
(great poetry...oh yes.)
Fantastic M
That's unfair - the camera adds 10 pounds - even to cats.
It doesn't, I know. Bender's a whale. But he's a sweet whale. The kind of whale who expects to be rescued promptly whenever he's beached ... or hungry.
Holding Bender is like holding a soft, furry bowling ball.
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