Thursday, July 19, 2007

Dueling Dolans

So, the Emmy nominations are out today and, well, LOST wasn't nominated for Best Drama. But even when I felt that these Emmy nominating jerk didn't deserve any of my attention, I decided to check the nominees anyway. And, hey, Tim Daly was nominated for a best guest starring role for his work on The Sopranos. Why do I care, you ask? Am I such a fan of Wings that I long to see success for all of its former cast, from Tim Daly to Lowell to even that largish obnoxious mustachioed man that gave our Wings friends a hard time? Well, yeah, but there's more to it than that. See, Tim Daly played a character who was a writer/screenwriter named J.T. Dolan. Here is Daly as J.T. Dolan:

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Now, at Western Michigan University, we have a member of our Creative Writing Faculty who has worked on screenplays in addition to his memoir Phoenix and his forays into fiction. His name, J.D. Dolan:

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Hmmm. Perhaps J.D. will eventually shed some light on this "coincidence."


Amanderpanderer said...

Does the Tim Daly character hug you when he's drunk?

If's no coincidence.

Molly said...

Oh that Mandy. He doesn't hug me when he's drunk. He just kicks my ass in ping pong.

Still no response from the dashing Dolan about this matter. (He does look dashing in this picture, doesn't he? 'Like he just stepped off his yacht or something?)

Amanderpanderer said...

He's hugged me when he was drunk. I didn't say it was a bad thing.

Jason Olsen said...

All the pictures I found of JD online are fairly dashing. The others involved him playing pool (maybe not AS dashing, but he was wearing a sweater similar to Tim Daly's Dolan)

Michele Boselli said...

ciao, nice blog, how about exchanging links?