Friday, November 14, 2008


Heading out to Vegas (why is it that I always spell that "vegan" when I first type it out -- I've almost assuredly written "Vegas" out more than I written "Vegan" -- hmmmm. I wonder if this says anything about the way I subconsciously view my identity. Anyway, let's get back to the main text and get out of this parenthetical. I might be getting off topic. Or perhaps I've written too little to actually be off-topic) this weekend (the first part of this sentence was "Heading out to Vegas" in case you forgot) for both a family visit and a dog show. The dog show part of this involves Willow and Chapel participating in an Obedience Competition. Fortunately, no frisbee catching at this competition.

Which is exciting because that means that they're actually doing stuff in order to earn ribbons (unlike the fancy dogs on the TV) but what she's doing is mostly behaving, like following nicely behind Chapel when she's supposed to and remaining in a stay for several minutes (which should make for riveting entertainment when watching other dogs). Anyway, wish us luck.


Anonymous said... did Willow and Chapel do? BLynn

Anonymous said...

where the heck are you? no news is not good news to me....Bethlynn

Marcus Wicker said...

You thought I was joking? I really want an update. There's nothing but corn in Indiana.