Monday, March 06, 2006


Here's a Western Herald article about the latest exploits of my experimental writing class and our battles to make the WMU campus more aesthetically pleasing and more socially vital. And not so much succeeding. But we're trying. And the quote from the landscaping services guy? He's totally lying. Really. There will hopefully be a letter to the editor from our English dept. secretary in the next couple of days responding to his lie.

For those who haven't seen the "speech bubbles" as described in the article, you can check 'em out here:

Also, just for kicks (and to cram as many links as possible in this message), here's the first article about the class that appeared in the Western Herald:

And, just so that all of these links aren't self-indulgent, here's a drawing of a kitten playing golf (is the "links" pun by way of a golf picture too obscure? Well, I guess it isn't obscure anymore if I've explained it.)

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